How yoga can help with a burnout
How yoga can help with a burnout
We are so busy nowadays. Your week is full of work, self-development, social activities, sports, family, and your house must of course also look good. We as humans can handle a lot, but enough is enough. People are increasingly being diagnosed with a burnout and it is one of the biggest causes of long-term illness. If you have a burnout, you want to be sure that you fully recover and adjust your life so that it can never come back. But how do you do that? And how does yoga help with this?
What is a burnout?
A burnout is the result of prolonged stress. This stress can have various causes, such as your work in combination with private life, ambitions, raising the bar and even experiences from your past. Your body indicates that it is enough. You just can't do it anymore. You sleep poorly, you no longer function well, you are forgetful and it all fails. You need time and especially a lot of rest to recover from this exposure to too much stress.
Breathing exercises in the event of a burnout
During the first phase of your burnout, you are probably unable to do anything. Getting out of bed already costs a lot of energy, let alone rolling out your yoga mat for a yoga session. Give yourself the peace and space to do nothing at all, don't fight this, but admit it. At a certain moment you will automatically notice that you are able to do something more. This can be from a short walk outside to conscious yoga breathing exercises a few times a day to reach yourself. These breathing exercises teach you to return to your core and to the here and now. You become more balanced with yourself and through these breaths you learn a new way to always be able to return to a more relaxed you.
Doing yoga with a burnout
If you feel that your body can handle more, then the time has come to do a quiet form of yoga. Just relax at home, on your own yoga mat. Yoga teaches you to get to know your own body, to discover your limits, to consciously combine physical movements with breathing. All these aspects ensure that you come into the now, that you are in charge of your thoughts and that you can influence how you react to stressful situations, for example. Because you are physically active and at the same time you are mentally trained, you will literally and figuratively get stronger. You learn to accept who you are and that your emotions and feelings are allowed.
Waste and stress from your body through yoga
Various yoga postures, such as the twists, ensure that your body literally squeezes out the waste. These waste substances have a negative effect on your body and mind. They provide less energy and, as it were, stop you from being healthy. If you have a burn-out, it is important to detox your body from these wastes.
Yoga also ensures that you learn to recognize stress earlier, so that you can respond to it based on the yoga principles and your breathing. This way you experience less stress, your body produces less cortisol and energy and you are less often super alert. Yoga teaches you to resist stressful situations and how to deal with situations that would normally cause stress in a conscious way.
Does yoga really help with a burnout?
Yes, yoga really helps with a burnout. This does not mean that yoga is the only way to prevent a burnout, to cure it or to never let it come back. You really have to find out for yourself what the causes of the burnout were for you and you must be prepared to organize your life differently. Yoga helps you with this, yoga helps you to accept yourself for who you are and to gain insight into what you find important. Therefore, tackle your burnout in several ways and embrace yoga as one of the ways.