Power Yoga: Is this the yoga style for you?
Power Yoga: Is this the yoga style for you?
Power yoga is one of the most popular yoga styles of the moment. While Power Yoga is still a relatively new yoga style from the 1930s, many yogis find their way to Power Yoga. This is not surprising, because this style is mostly like a big workout, without having to have much knowledge of or about yoga.
In the busy times we now live in, more and more people find it important to work on the balance between body and mind. It is no coincidence that yoga is becoming more popular every day, because it is precisely this balance that is always central. But isn't yoga too quiet? Do you really work on your body with yoga? Is yoga really sports? Beginning yogis in particular have these questions. Because it is important from society that you work on a good body, Power yoga is often the solution. You practice yoga and at the same time you have a good workout.
What is Power Yoga?
Power yoga is a style where power, active and dynamics are paramount. Power yoga consists of powerful exercises that you repeat continuously. You learn from different breathing techniques how your breathing contributes to your physical exertion. By repeating the powerful exercises and your conscious breathing, you end up in a nice flow. Power yoga makes you stronger and more flexible and gives you a better condition.
If you think yoga is floating and calm, take a Power Yoga class once. After this lesson you probably will find out that yoga is also just a sport.
Power yoga is a derived yoga style from the physically demanding yoga style Ashtanga yoga. Ashtanga yoga is a powerful style that consists of six fixed series. Each series has fixed yoga postures that you perform in the same order every time. This repetition in yoga postures makes you strong and flexible. If you want to perform Ashtanga yoga as intended, this requires a lot of practice. In fact, you are not even allowed to go to the next posture, if you cannot perform the postures perfectly. That is why Power yoga is a derivative of Ashtanga yoga. Power yoga is not that strict in following fixed series, but this style is just as powerful.
Who is Power yoga for?
Power yoga is for everyone who wants to work in a powerful way on the balance between body and mind. Are you sporty, do you want to get or stay fit and do you really want to feel that you are physically challenged, then Power yoga is for you.
But make no mistake. Power yoga is also for those who are a bit quieter by themselves and who appreciate the softness of other yoga styles. By choosing a yoga style that does not directly match your own character, you get to know yourself, your body and your own limits even better. This also applies to the sporty and energetic people among us. Yes, Power yoga is probably a yoga style that matches your sporting goals, but also try Slow Flow yoga or Yin Yoga. These are quiet yoga styles where you learn to get to know and use your energy in a different way.
The power of Power yoga
Because Power yoga is mainly focused on physical challenges, you will quickly become stronger with this style. Due to the mix of different exercises you continuously use different muscles that are normally not used (or in a different way). Your muscles will not get used to the same exercises over and over again and they will be surprised by the different postures every time. This makes you stronger faster and more flexible.
Many gyms offer Power yoga as a group lesson and Power Yoga is also a regular part of the schedule at yoga studios. Because less time is spent here on the mental and spiritual side of yoga, this yoga style can easily be followed in the gym. Always ask whether the yoga teacher is actually certified to give yoga. It happens that personal trainers give Power yoga, but we strongly advise against taking such a class. You want to be sure that the yoga postures and the guidance you receive contribute to your body and do not increase the risk of injury.
How does Power yoga start and end?
Power yoga often starts with a light warm-up, and a wonderful breathing exercise (such as the Savasana) at the end of the lesson. It is precisely in this form of yoga that you see that many yogis come in too late (I do not need a warm-up) and walk away just before or during Savasana. They don't have the peace and quiet to "lie so quietly on your back while I still have 100 things to do." This is a shame, because this warm-up and the relaxation exercise at the end ensure that you close this energy lesson in the right way. This is really the challenge for many, not the physical and the power, but the relaxation and tranquility.
Power yoga for everyone
Whatever person you are, Power Yoga is good for everyone. It is the powerful side of this yoga style that gives yoga a completely different perspective than other styles. If you prefer quiet yoga styles, try alternating with Power yoga.